Welcome to a New Day

Welcome to a New Day

Welcome to a New Day

When you launch a new product, you have 0 users. This was true for tradelink in ‘08 and Glean in ‘12. Fast forward 4 years, 4 versions and 10k+ comments and the result is 4k+ folks getting their Glean on.

Unfortunately this post is less about Glean and more about the end of tradelink.org as a software project.

It’s a little sad as we’d hoped to grow a vibrant open ecosystem under Glean. We never expected confusion between Glean and tradelink. This announcement hopefully corrects misunderstandings. While tradelink software is no more, the mission is the same. We’re collaborating to improve our edges, increase our success and have more fun.

If you used the tradelink.org software in the past, we’d appreciate you giving Glean a chance. We thank those who have already.